Bernadette Spieler, Tobias M. Schifferle, Manuela Dahinden
In recent years, the Maker movement has surged in popularity and has become attractive for didactic research. Exploration, creativity, open learning spaces, and problem-orientation are the foundations for successful Maker-Education. While the relevance of Making in higher education is slowly being recognized, it is still uncharted
territory for most schools. As part of the “Making at School” project, the Zurich University of Teacher Education, together with the University of Zurich and the CreativeLab Zurich, is committed to creating interdisciplinary modules for Making, e.g., in biology, computer science, or handicraft. The main goal is to help teachers to develop a Maker mindset by providing ideas for designing their own projects. This paper presents a preliminary planning framework that is evaluated by (inter-)national experts in Making. This first assessment shows that the framework is described as useful and appealing, but still too complex to be used in schools.
• Applied computing→Collaborative learning; • Social and professional topics→Computing education.
Maker-Education, open learning spaces, interdisciplinary teacher training, STEAM
ACM Reference Format: Bernadette Spieler, Tobias M. Schifferle, and Manuela Dahinden. 2022. Exploring Making in Schools: A Maker-Framework for Teachers in K12. In 6th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 2022 (FabLearn Europe / MakeEd
2022), May 30–31, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
7 pages.